Monday, 24 February 2014

MAD Blog Awards!

Blog awards. I’ve never won anything for my blog, and I don’t write with a view to ‘winning things’, more to get stuff out of my head, but it’s nice when other people like what you write too. And I am overwhelmed to have been nominated for 3 MAD blog awards this year – Food Blogger, which, OK, I’m pleased about, but I’ve also had a nomination for Best Blog Writer, and also a nomination for MAD Blog of the Year which really astounds me as I thought food bloggers kind of got pushed into their own little corner of the blogosphere, and weren’t really let out of the kitchen that much: so to get nominations in these 2 categories makes me feel very chuffed indeed. There's a badge over there on the right hand side to prove it too...

So thank you for nominating me. And if you'd like me to actually win one of these awards, and haven't already nominated me, you can do so now - until 14th March, so there's plenty of time. Basically, the blogs with the most nominations in each category go forward for voting. 

You can find out how it all works, and the nomination form on the MAD Blog Awards 2014 website.

If I got to the voting stage, I'd be made up - but just to have been nominated is cool as far as I'm concerned.

Right, that's enough of that congratulatory stuff - back to the kitchen I go :-)


I LOVE comments - please leave one. Unfortunately, I have been getting hideous amounts of SPAM so please can you do the word verification thingy?
